Back, Neck, Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pains

Identifying the Problem and Treating It

Shoulder pain is defined as soreness, tension and/or stiffness in shoulder region. There are many potential causes and while your Osteopath will usually be able to identify the underlying problems by undertaking a careful history and clinical examination, imaging (x-rays) may be required to confirm the diagnosis.

Your Osteopath may offer manipulation and mobilisation treatment for your condition since there is evidence to suggest that this approach can aid the mid-term and long-term recovery of shoulder girdle pain and dysfunction.

Back Pain

Over 50% of Osteopathic consultations relate to back pain; impairment of the spine can affect the neck, shoulders, arms, buttocks, groin or legs and so is often the cause of pain in your body. Back pain can stem from injury, disease or other pathological conditions so your Osteopath will use a variety of medical examinations and sometimes referrals to other specialists to find the best way to prevent or treat your specific problem. If you are suffering from back pain we recommend seeing an Osteopath as soon as possible who can recommend exercises that can help and look at potential root causes like sitting positions at home, at work, in the car, lifting heavy objects, gardening or the type of bed you have.

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Elbow/forearm pain, in the form of Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), is common among professional and amateur sportspeople, although almost anyone can acquire the condition. It is defined as pain in the region of the lateral epicondyle – the point of origin of the 'extensor' muscles of the forearm. The problem tends to arise over time by repeated overuse but it can happen following a direct knock. Your osteopath will diagnose tennis elbow from your history and a clinical examination. While there are effective medical treatments for tennis elbow, including corticosteroid injections, the addition of elbow mobilisation with exercise, directed by your osteopath, can improve the long-term outcome of the condition. Other effective non-invasive physical treatments for tennis elbow include ultrasound and acupuncture which are available at your osteopathic clinic.

Carpal Tunnel

The carpal tunnel is a restricted place at the front of the wrist, bounded by ligaments, through which pass the tendons that flex the fingers and wrist. This space is roofed over by a tough ligament (flexor retinaculum), which prevents the tendons from pulling away from the wrist when it is bent. One of the two sensory nerves to the hand, the median nerve, also passes through the carpal tunnel and there is little or no room for expansion.

Any swelling in the region, from any cause, will, therefore, tend to compress the median nerve and interfere with the conduction of nerve impulses. The result is numbness and tingling, sometimes even pain, in the half of the hand on the thumb side which is supplied by the nerve.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can affect both wrists, and typically affects women more than men. It usually favours the dominant hand first, often producing more severe pain.